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HIIIIIII BABYYYYYY I’m back at it again with another love message oh buddy 😳💪🔥 but I just wanna tell you how much I appreciate and love you, I know I’ve sent you a massive message about these things not too long ago as well but I’m definitely the type of person to express my love a LOT. But you just mean so unbelievably much to me, everything you do for me I appreciate sososo much, I appreciate you being here for me, staying by my side, being my boyfriend, loving me, being yourself, trusting me, caring about me, making me laugh, and just overall making me happy. You’re doing more than everyone ever has and no one can EVER compare to you in the slightest, I’m so happy my soulmate is you because I wouldn’t want it any other way. I’ve loved every moment spent with you, the funny ones, the happiest ones, and even the sadder ones since I knew you were there for me regardless. My memories shared with you will forever be with me, and you’ll forever hold a special place in my heart. Everything about you is just perfect to me, your smile, your personality, your interests, your humor, your looks, your voice, your laugh, just absolutely everything, I don’t see a single flaw in you and I never will. I love the way how we always just click with eachother instantly and can always see eye to eye, that’s something I’ve never been able to do until I met you. You’ve genuinely made my life so much better by just being apart of it, you’ve become apart of my everyday routine where we’ll just talk for hours and I wouldn’t want it any other way, I can’t think of any better way to spend my times other than spending them all with you. I’ve genuinely never loved like this ever until you, no one else really caught my attention alrhough some I did love it was nowhere close to this love I feel for you as I’ve never felt this type of way and I never thought I would, but just by you existing you’ve shown me what true love feels like and I’ll forever be thankful that you’re mine. I love seeing you rant about your day or pretty much anything, please always feel free to do so it makes me really happy seeing you talk about everything you’ve been up to all day. I also know I’ve stated this before but I love your voice, I love listening to you sing and just everything it’s extremely calming to me and I would genuinely listen to your voice or singing all day if it was possible. You’re just everything I’ve ever wanted in a person and I’m so happy I joined that little genshin collab roleplay thing nearly two years ago considering that was where fate decided for us to meet for the first time. I’m so happy we decided to get closer and get to know eachother after we both joined the project sekai one as well, once we started dating the first time even then it was amazing and I ended up missing it a lot when we seperated that time, just right person wrong time 😅. But you’ll never understand how thankful I am we ended up getting back together a couple months later, because now we’ve been together for nearly a year and I’ve loved every last bit of these past 8 months with you and I can’t wait to make so much more memories with you. Also please never feel bad when I buy you stuff, I love spoiling you with things and being able to make you happier with them, I guess it’s became one of my love languages since I got with you since I never bought anyone anything either until you, so I swear to you it’s just a sign of my love for you and I never mind spending money on you ever. And you’ll always be more than enough for me, I only love you and only want you, I see a perfect future with you living in our apartment, our one dog and one cat, and just us being able to be together all the time, I can genuinely see myself marrying you one day and just so much more of us going on dates everytime we get a chance to, and just being able to fulfill all these daydream we’ve been having since we’ve started dating, especially the ones of us cuddling I can’t wait until we’re actually able to do so because I swear I will never let you go. I love you so much Rui, you’re really my person and I promise I’ll always be here for you, and always do my best to make you happy and feel secure to the best of my abilities. You’re the best most caring, loving, adorable, stunning, and sweetest boyfriend to ever exist and I’m so happy I have you, I love you!!!! <333